Hey! Great that you decided to take a look at this page. On this page we will show how to use our AI-tool to generate your own didactic study-podcasts in no-time.
About Anywyse
We’re here to help!
If you need any help or advice on creating your Wysers, we would love to help! You can come into contact via:
How to use our AI-tool
What works best?
Important information
Your questions answered
Here you can find the answers to the questions that were asked during the meetings:
Question: Where will the students listen to the Wysers?
Answer: The Wysers can be listened to on our platform: https://anywyse.audio/
Question: Are the Wysers downloadable?
Answer: The Wysers are not downloadable so we can guarantee a good user experience. Our platform includes multiple features such as a read-along option & speed of speech selection which would be lost when downloading the content as an mp3 file.
Question: How much data is required to listen to a Wyser?
Answer: Internet connection is required to listen to Wysers. The files are very small and take up around 4-7 MB per Wyser.
How does AI-voicing work?
Answer: We have pre-selected the voice that is currently rated the highest among our users. You can listen to an example here: https://listen.anywyse.audio/nl/wysers/113/
What data insights can you share?
Answer: We will send weekly data reports with key insights in listening behaviours
Question: My Wyser has been voiced by AI, but I would still like to make adjustments to the text. What should I do?
Answer: Once you have clicked the “submit to process” button, it is not possible to modify the text. Therefore, it is crucial to exercise caution during the “final review of the Wyser,” as this represents your final opportunity to make any necessary changes.
Question: Can I still add Wysers to my series after I publish the series?
Answer: Yes, you can. Publishing the series allows others to listen to your Wysers, but does not restrict you from making changes to your series. After publishing, you can still (un)publish individual Wysers in your series.
My series is finished, what now?
Congrats! First, you need to publish your series. After publishing, your series will appear under “discover” in the menu. Share the link to let others have a listen. If you do not plan to add more Wysers to your series, send us a message. We will make sure your series appears on the main page.
Communication templates
We created two e-mail templates, so it is super easy for you (colleges and teachers) to share information about Anywyse to the students! You can access them using the buttons below:
Share your Feedback!
Your perspective matters to us and can truly make a difference. Provide your feedback of your experience using the creator portal using the form below.
Curious to find out what your learners think of your audio content? Share this survey with them! We’ll amalgamate responses and share back with you!